
See What’s Possible, Get There Faster

Become a member today!

At Inforum, making a difference is at the heart of what we do. Engage in formal and informal mentoring, connect with fellow members and the community, and collaborate to share best practices and drive industry and community impact. Your membership dues not only enhance our impact but also sustain our organization, ensuring Inforum remains at the forefront of what's next for women leaders. Join us today and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing women in leadership.

Inforum members are professionals from all walks of life – college students and young professionals, entrepreneurs, to corporate executives and community leaders. Members work in small businesses and global companies. They launch startups and lead nonprofits.

Inforum members are driven, educated, involved, and influential and they believe in giving back. Being a member means being a part of something bigger than yourself, you’re part of the growing contribution of women leaders in Michigan who support the community at large and pave the way for others. Inforum members are given the tools to learn, lead, and make a difference.

Membership Levels





Executive members are senior-level executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs who desire increased visibility, access, and want to support Inforum’s work at a higher level.





Professional membership is the most popular tier. This level is perfect for professionals eager to learn, lead, and making a difference.





A General Member is Ideal for those in career transitions, retirees, or anyone looking to stay involved with fewer benefits.





Young Professional level is designed for 18-33 year olds at the start of their networking and leadership journey, offering key benefits on a flexible basis.


Welcome to attend all Inforum events and leadership programs, with encouragement to join after attending three events/meetings.

Membership Benefits

Benefits Executive Member Professional Member/ Cl Gratis General member Young Professional (6 month) Guests
Password protected members only section of the Inforum website
Access to Inforum's Member App and communities
Access to Inforum Membership Directory
Opportunity to participate in special members-only events FREE FREE FREE FREE
Access to Inforum Affinity Group meetings FREE FREE FREE FREE Access to attend 2 meetings prior to joining
Discounted tickets to Inforum in-person events and Industry Group Events Executive Member Rate Professional Member Rate Member Rate Member Rate Guest Rate
Attend Inforum Learning Labs (up to $540 value) FREE FREE Member Rate Member Rate Guest Rate
Opportunity to serve as a volunteer leader
Discounted tuition to Inforum Leadership Development programs Retail Rate
Listing in the Executive Member Directory
Preferred seating at Inforum events
Opportunity to send personal email annually to members
Featured Executive profile on Inforum website home page
Join Now

Get Involved

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups bring members together around common interests. They are led by members for members and are a great way to broaden your network, socialize, develop deeper business relationships, and simply recharge your batteries.

Click here to learn more Attend an Affinity Group event

Industry Groups

Inforum industry groups bring together the top minds in an industry or field. Members are the subject-matter experts and practitioners who collaborate on industry issues and market trends, bring forth new ideas and share best practices.

Click here to learn more

Pay it Forward

Inforum is a vital network for women navigating career changes. Through our Women in Transition program, donors can help women affected by economic shifts by sponsoring their Inforum membership.

With just $25, you can give the gift of connection and support to a woman in need. Each sponsored member is encouraged to "Pay It Forward" by contributing to another membership once she’s back on her feet.

Click here to learn more

Join us Anywhere

Get plugged in to the same vibrant connections and quality content you expect, brought to you in a virtual format, and accessible anywhere in the world!

Click here to learn more

Taking Member Experience to the Next Level

A group of women are posing for a picture in front of a red and white backdrop.


Inforum Ambassadors are members from all walks and stages of life. They are devoted advocates of Inforum and are proud to represent the organization. They cherish Inforum’s legacy and want to help shape its future.

  • Read more

    Inforum Ambassadors love people! They enjoy introducing and connecting members with other members. They build rapport easily with new people. And they are excited to carry Inforum’s mission and message to others!

Become an Ambassador

Mentor Program

Inforum’s app-based mentoring program is a unique online networking and career development tool that helps you find, connect, and share experiences with other members.

  • Mentoring is...

      A trusting and mutually beneficial relationship where a knowledgeable individual takes an interest in fostering and supporting the learning of someone else’s career developmentA platform to develop a person’s passion, skills and experienceAn opportunity to model effective organizational behaviors such as decisiveness, tolerance of uncertainty, resistance to stress, and use of personal powerA learning partnership for both the mentor and menteeA process whereby the mentor and mentee work collaboratively to spark discovery, insights and understanding for mutual learning and growth
  • Inforum’s mentorship program features…

      Personal selection of each individual’s preference for topics, session formats, industry, career stage, and start/end date.Mentor program directory where you can search all mentors/mentees listed and categorize by specific criteria.Connecting with mentors and mentees through the app!
Enroll as a Mentor or Mentee
Two women are sitting at a table looking at a laptop computer.
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